eCard-at FHIR ImplementationGuide
0.1.0 - ci-build

eCard-at FHIR ImplementationGuide - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 Artifacts Summary
.... 2.1 ecard Profile Capability Statement
.... 2.2 ecard Profile Operation Definition
.... 2.3 ecardAnspruch Profile
.... 2.4 HL7® AT Core Patient Profile
.... 2.5 HL7® AT Core ValueSet Profile
.... 2.6 HL7® AT Core Address Profile
.... 2.7 Address Additional Information
.... 2.8 Kostenanteilbefreit laut Versicherungsanspruch
.... 2.9 Patient Religion
.... 2.10 Rezeptgebührenbefreit laut Versicherungsanspruch
.... 2.11 System OID
.... 2.12 at-elga-vs-countryCodes
.... 2.13 at-elga-vs-religion
.... 2.14 e-card Anspruchsarten Valueset
.... 2.15 e-card VDAS Fehlermeldung Valueset
.... 2.16 e-card Versichertenarten Valueset
.... 2.17 e-card Versichertenkategorien Valueset
.... 2.18 at-core-cs-iso-3166-1-alpha-3
.... 2.19 at-core-cs-religion
.... 2.20 e-card Anspruchsart Codesystem
.... 2.21 e-card Sozialversicherungsträger Codesystem
.... 2.22 e-card VdasMessage Codesystem
.... 2.23 e-card Versichertenart Codesystem
.... 2.24 e-card Versichertenkategorie Codesystem
.... 2.25 e-card-Anspruchsart-example
.... 2.26 e-card-Versichertenart-example
.... 2.27 e-card-Versichertenkategorie-example
.... 2.28 ecard-Anspruch-example
.... 2.29 ecard-kostenanteilbefreit-example
.... 2.30 ecard-OperationOutcome-example01
.... 2.31 ecard-OperationOutcome-example02
.... 2.32 ecard-OperationOutcome-example03
.... 2.33 ecard-OperationOutcome-example04
.... 2.34 ecard-OperationOutcome-example05
.... 2.35 ecard-rezeptgebbefreit-example
.... 2.36 HL7ATCorePatientExample01
.... 2.37 HL7ATCorePatientExample02-deceasedTime
.... 2.38 HL7ATCorePatientExample03-deceasedBoolean
.... 2.39 HL7ATCorePatientExample04-Full
.... 2.40 HL7ATCorePatientExample05-FullElga
.... 2.41 krankenkasse-oegk
.... 2.42 Organization-example-f001-burgers
.... 2.43 sascha-mustermann